Tribute Teas of China: A Symbol of Honor and Tradition

Tribute teas, or “Gong Cha,” have a rich history in China, dating back to the Tang Dynasty. These teas were specially crafted and presented to the emperors as a sign of respect and homage. They symbolize the epitome of quality and craftsmanship in Chinese tea culture.

Historical Significance

The tradition of offering tribute teas began during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD) and reached its peak during the Song Dynasty (960-1279 AD). The teas were carefully selected from renowned tea regions and were considered the finest teas available.

Ten Most Recognized Tribute Teas

  1. Xin Yang Mao Jian: A green tea from Henan, China, with a history dating back 2300 years.
  2. Meng Ding Gan Lu: One of the oldest teas, first planted during the Western Han Dynasty.
  3. Jun Shan Yin Zhen: Offered to the emperor since the Tang dynasty.
  4. Huangshan Mao Feng: A green tea from Yellow Mountain in Anhui Province.
  5. Liu An Gua Pian: A more recently developed green tea from Anhui Province.
  6. Taiping Houkui: The largest of the Chinese famous teas, produced near the base of Huangshan.
  7. Longjing (Dragon Well): Produced in the West Lake region of Zhejiang Province.
  8. Bi Lo Chun: A famous green tea.
  9. Da Hong Pao: A famous oolong tea.
  10. Tieguanyin: Another renowned oolong tea.

Modern Relevance

Today, the term “tribute tea” is often used to denote high-quality teas. While the tradition of offering tea to the emperor has faded, the legacy of tribute teas continues to influence Chinese tea culture. Tea enthusiasts and connoisseurs still seek out these prestigious teas for their exceptional quality and historical significance.


Tribute teas of China are more than just beverages; they are a symbol of honor, tradition, and the pursuit of perfection in tea craftsmanship. They continue to inspire tea lovers around the world and stand as a testament to China’s rich cultural heritage.

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